2008年10月15日 星期三




It is very obvious for parents to buy pink clothes and dolls for baby girl, blue clothes and toys for baby boy due to the gender orientation. However, nowadays, it may not be the case.

"My almost 4 year old son's favorite color is pink. He has his favorite pink towel for bath time, a pink t-shirt he loves to run around the house in, and is always picking out pink things. I don't think it's a big deal. Pink is a pretty color and he's only a little boy. It's not like his color preferences have anything to do with future sexual orientation...not that I think if boys like pink they're gay or that I'd have a problem if it turned out he was, it just seems like that's the common opinion on boys liking pink. What is your opinion on boys and pink? Is it any different than girls liking the traditional boy color of blue? Should colors be considered gender specific? Any thought or opinions would be appreciated," a mother said.

I think colors are not gender specific, but society tends to label them as gender specific.

Kids don't have any concept of gender specific items or colors. They develop one over time because they are naturally steered toward what society says they should like such as cars for boys and ponies for girls. If he likes pink and it makes him happy to have pink things then let him have them. Pink is becoming more and more popular for mens fashion these days anyway.
