Colors are closely related to mood.
Red = rage, anger, annoyance
Orange = vigilance, anticipation, interest
Yellow = joy, ecstasy, serenity
Light green = trust, admiration, acceptance
Green = terror, fear, apprehension
Light blue = amazement, surprise, distraction
Blue = grief, sadness
Purple = loathing, disgust, boredom
Actually, colors do not convey any particular meanings themselves. How people interpret colors depends very much on their perceptions, experience, personal feeling on different color.
For example,
In fashion dictionary,
blue = modern, cool, stylish
In terms of mood,
blue = sadness, depressed, gloomy
In fashion dictionary,
purple = elegant, romantic, royal
In terms of mood,
purple = disgust, loathing
In fashion dictionary,
green = relaxing, soft, close to nature
In terms of mood,
green = terror, fear, apprehension
From all the above, we can conclude that meaning of colors vary a lot and is very subjective.