2008年10月3日 星期五


This afternoon when i flip over my japanese, i found few pages introducing interesting tips for mens fashion color coordinations. Therefore, i decided to quote them out and share with my classmates.

Besides personal experience in color coordination, having the knowledge in the concept of the color wheel can introduce more interesting combinations and harmony.

LIGHT COLORS- basic hues with white

DULL COLORS - hues with gray

VIVID COLORS - basic hues.

DARK COLORS - basic hues with black

ACHROMATIC COLORS - shades of blacks and grays

TIPS 1 Grasp the Concept of Same Hue Color Coordination

Looking at the color wheel, same hue color coordination involves variations of one hue. So the colors are all from the same position of the color wheel as well as coming from the same column of the color chart.


As you can see whether we base on two colors or three colors combination, there is hardly any chance for the color coordination to go wrong.

Especially with the three color combination, the harmony between them are achieved.

Such color coordination concept will always make any men go on the right track in mens clothing. There is never any conflict between the colors.
The whole concept is to vary your order of colors in order to attain variety and yet synchrony.

TIPS 2 Gain the Knowledge on Similar Hues Color Coordination
Similar hues color coordination involves hues that are adjacent in the color chart. Or the shades that are on adjacent columns in the color chart.

Because of this relationship, these colors have a lot of common characteristics. Let us look at some examples of this concept.

1. Light colors + Dull colors = Spring feel

2. Dull colors + Dark colors = Autumn style/Wintery somber

3. Vivid colors + Light colors = Summer touch

Avoid combining vivid colors with similar vivid colors. The combination can be kind of harsh.

4. Light color + Light color + Dull/Vivid color = Fantastic harmony

5. Dark color + Dull color + Dull color = Autumn feel

Avoid working with three vivid colors because of their ability to overwhelm each other and give a confusing illusion.

Instead separate two vivid colors with one light color would be a better harmonious blend.

The light color should work to become an accent against the two vivid colors.

Two light colors against one dull color can work out as great color coordination as well.

Adding three dark colors or dull colors devoid contrast and does not bring out the best in the color combination.

Do not assume similar hues color coordination will always turn out well. Creating contrast will bring out the best in the color harmony and flow.

TIPS 3 The Best Looks Achieved with Achromatic Hues Color Coordination

Every men can achieve fantastic results with achromatic hues color coordination. It would seem quite difficult to go wrong coordinating any colors with black, gray or white.

Still there are some color that will coordinate better with certain shades of the achromatic hues.


1. Light colors go better with gray or dark gray compared to light gray or black.

2. Dull colors creates a nicer blend against dark gray or black than light gray or gray.

3. Vivid colors look best with light gray or black.
Vivid with dark gray does not bring out the vivid as much as light gray or black does.

4. Dark colors work best with gray or black.
We have to watch out for dull muddled colors like dark brown or olive green. These colors have a tendency to have too much gray in them and make blending against gray difficult.

Other colors when used in achromatic hues color coordination should always be used as an accent. For example, a gray suit with a dull-colored pocket square to bring out a nice subtle contrast.
