Monochromatic Color Scheme
Monochromatic color scheme is used in this room by developing from a single hue (beige), but with a range of values and different degrees of intensity. Unity is probably the most notable element in this type of color scheme.
Replicating the same tones in the interior of your home is an easy way to surround yourself with the colors you love best. Look at the color in a more daring way to create a harmony that suits your spirit. Each color has own personality whether it was happy or sad, old or young.
Use chromatically intense saturated color for a table, lamp and wall art. The key is to artfully distribute and layer your related colors throughout your interior, using different textures to create interest and pull together a cohesive look.
It is wise to keep in mind that lighter colors are expansive and darker colors are restrictive; so lighter tones work best on walls, ceilings, and curtains, medium tones look best on furnishings, and darker tones work well on ground level. On the wall, hang similarly toned artwork strengthen your color scheme. This technique will accentuate the tones in your decor through artful repetition.
The burst of vibrant red is unexpected, and gives a sophisticated look to a monochromatic color scheme. In this room decor, red looks masterfully placed.
All white paints have been tone down to make them cover surface more easily.
Whether the walls of a room are white, a pastel tint, or a strong, saturated color, designers usually suggest that all trim-work be painted white - door trim, window trim, baseboard, chair-rail, and crown molding.
Not only the white paint reflects light from outside, but by providing a contrast it brightens the other colors in the room increasing vitality of the room decor.