2008年11月14日 星期五


Repetition of Color
Using more than one helps unify patterned and plain areas and requires care as colors accent direction of repeats.

Emphasis of color
Advancing qualities of hue, value and intensity of blue color highlight a location against receding qualities.

Alternation of color
Two colors changing back and forth in the same order lead the eye in the direction of the regular exchange.

Emphasis of color
Advancing qualities of hue, value and intensity of blue color highlight a location against receding qualities.

Sequence of color
Each color appears in a certain order to succession, keeps the same position in each repeat, and leads the eye in the direction of progression.

Balance of color
Variety of hue, light and dark values, and bright and dull intensities all help to balance color schemes.

Harmony of color
Agreement of feeling is easier when advancing or receding qualities of hues, values and intensities convey similar moods, giving enough variety for interest but avoiding boredom or conflict.

Balance of color
Variety of hue, light and dark values, and bright and dull intensities all help to balance color schemes.

After analysing the color usage of GUCCI and D&G CM, i try to compare two of them.

1. Very obviously, D&G uses similar color family in every season while gucci is having very different color family for each season.

2. There is seldom repitition of color in D&G CM, the pictures are always very full, full of many different color. For GUCCI, only three to four core colors are chosen for each CM, providing pale area in pictures.

3. Color use in D&G CM is usually duller than GUCCI's.
