The gradual change color trend was introduced by PRADA in the very beginning.
Gradually changing between different types of colors show interesting effects on garments.
Spring 2004 Ready-to-Wear
Very natural, elegant and mature feeling.
Fall 2004 Ready-to-Wear
Fall 2007 Ready-to-Wear
Very sharp and eye-catching effect.
Fall 2007 Ready-to-Wear
Giving feeling of futurism, playful.
The texture of the cloth can affect the intensity of the colours, shine of the fabric increases the intensity.
Fashion trends are not limited to just the clothing silhouette, but also include the fabric design and colours. The method of applying the design to the cloth might limit the number of colours that can be used. In this case, Gradual Color Change can add more possibilities to the designs.
PS* i think gradual color change looks especially nice on natural colors.
PS* i think gradual color change looks especially nice on natural colors.